Saturday, April 11, 2020

What You May Not Know About The Birth of Jesus Christ

The birth, the life and the death of Jesus Christ tell a story of how far God can go to forgive, to redeem and reconcile us to himself. It didn’t occur to many of us that God took it upon himself to become flesh and learn how to become human. For choosing to do this, Satan made sure His trial and tribulation began the first day he stepped his foot into the world. Contrary to what we are made to believe, Jesus born in the manger was not an act of humility, but an act of humiliation orchestrated by Satan himself! The scripture said, Satan rose against Israel and caused David to take a census of the people of Israel. His intention was well mapped out, knowing fully well that during the census, the authority will have an up to date information about every infant in the land of Israel. Now that Jesus has been born, Satan needed to expose this baby among thousands of babies born around the time. So, he needed to do something very fast, part of his schemes was to consult his friends, the three wise men! You would wonder, how dare you call them Satan’s accomplices? Yes, they were, because God detests astrologers and stargazers and forbid us from practising their acts, therefore He could not have used them to announce Jesus birth.

It was part of Satan’s grand plan to have Jesus exposed and killed, so the trip made by these three wise men was orchestrated by him. The Maggie's announcement was not necessary “they were just busybodies”, because the angels of God had already announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherd and the people were already spreading the news. You can’t underestimate how far Satan will go, he went as far as going to the space, manoeuvre the paths of the star and directed it towards Jesus’ potential killer king Herod, another stooge Satan has put in place before time. Herod called these devils’ advocates and found out from them the exact time the star appeared. You see, go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him, Herod said. Quickly, they set out on the journey, Satan was with them, instructing the star which direction to follow. Finally, they got to the manger, Satan stopped the star, he thought he has won, he laughed stupidly and said to himself, let’s see how is going to become a king and save mankind!

Alas! God, the master planner stood in his majesty, I have had enough of this arrogance from Satan He said, he commanded his angel, Gabriel, go and tell these men never to return to Herod as they planned. In His mighty power, He rebuked the rogue star, and banish it from giving light again! You may again wonder, when did this happen? It is simple to understand that after God had destroyed Satan’s master plan by instructing the three wise men not to return Herod, the king would have consulted his astrologers and stargazers to find out where the child was born. However, since there was no more star in the sky to give them the bright light, nothing could lead them to where the child was. Out frustration and annoyance, Satan device another scheme, all infants born around the time must be killed.

You may wonder, why did God not kill King Herod at the time, instead of Jesus having to escape to Africa? The answers are simple, God will not kill the same people Jesus came to save. If God had killed Herod for Jesus to live, Jesus would not have rebuked Peter for putting up a fight when he was to be arrested. It was Satan’s master plan to have someone killed by God for Jesus to live so, Satan has put the subtle plan in place from when Jesus was born to when he was to be killed! Both God and Jesus prevented it. Satan knows the principle that if a life is sacrificed or someone had died for Jesus to live, Jesus would not be suitable for the human redemption, hence human salvation would have been impossible. More so, Satan is fully aware that if God had killed Herod, that will make Jesus a murderer, because Jesus is God, and he must have sanctioned the act in human flesh, that automatically makes him a sinner too! Lastly, when Jesus said to Peter, get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns. Many of us would not understand why Jesus would refer his most favourite disciple Satan. The reason is simply because Satan was already hatching his master plan through Peter to kill for Jesus to live if need be.

Olayinka Olalekan

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