Saturday, April 25, 2020

Everything You know About Love, Forgiveness and Fall of Man May be Wrong (Part 1)

Love or Forgiveness, which is first?

Love or forgiveness, which comes first is like asking the old riddle of chicken and egg. It is also like asking the scientific riddle of what came first, energy or matter, or say between soul and spirit, which comes first? To answer any of these questions is not an easy task as I have attempted many times. Now, two years on I have no clue what my response would be, and no understanding is in sight for me. As much as I tried, the more I am empty as space. But one day, in the midst of my melancholy, I sought to ask these questions once again, as usual, a lazy Christian as I am, sinful human, I prayed again “God help me with your understanding, I need your wisdom, let your knowledge meet with my understanding” Then, I waited, in desperation, longing for his voice through my thoughts. Suddenly, my mind blasted into an empty space, I went through the path of redemption. I was taking to the point of the original beginning, where time and space have no effect on my soul, I felt very peaceful like I never felt before. Suddenly, words came to me in my thoughts.

Son of man, what troubles your soul? Why are you this troubled? Son of man, why do you think chicken comes first? Why do you think egg comes later?

Out of fear, my soul trembles to the foundation of my existence, and I said, Lord is that you? Is that you again? Is that you revealing yourself in my thoughts? Again, the thought came to me.

Son of man, you have sought knowledge, wisdom has found your soul. Have you not called to dialogue with wisdom? Now, knowledge has sojourned to you, together with knowledge we shall reveal to you the understanding which you seek.

I hurriedly composed myself, Lord I said to my soul, I would like to begin by asking which comes first, chicken or egg?

Son of man, can egg come before chicken? What made you think egg will come before the chicken? Have you not read in the scripture that the male was made before the female? Had God not made Adam before Eve was created. Out of Adam, Eve was created, out of the male, female was created, out of chicken egg was created. If you say an egg was created before the chicken, can you say you came into existence before me, the Creator of all things?

Of course not, no one would think of that.

But many of you think so. In fact, to think that egg came before chicken is to say, you came into existence before your Creator. I have revealed to you that you are all my thoughts, you came into existence through my thoughts. Thought is a seed; thought is the seed of creation through which all that exist came into existence. Like I said, thoughts are seed, they carry life that manifests into creations within their creator. Therefore, their creator must come before them. Have you also not read in the scripture that I blessed the creation to multiply after I have created them? I endowed my creations the ability to reproduce after I made them into male and female. So, your chicken can only make chicken eggs after I created them in the first place. Do not forget this one thing that the Lord God created male before female out of which egg comes!

Now, to the question that troubled my soul, love or forgiveness, which comes first?

Son of man, I know your soul is troubled, so you longed for wisdom to understand a mystery only a few could comprehend. When you asked which comes first, love or forgiveness, is like asking the same question every scientist will ask, if matter comes before energy. As I have revealed to you earlier, that matter is borne out of energy, so you can also agree with me that matter is a compressed form of energy. In fact, matter is another face of energy in the same way space is another face of time. Matter and energy are two different things of the same thing, so also are space and time. Interestingly, you would require an enormous amount of energy to create even small amount of matter, So, you can begin to imagine the amount energy that would have created amount of matter in your universe! Even though many had thought that the creation of matter marked the beginning of space and time. This is not so, because love and forgiveness have existed long before the manifestation of energy and matter.

How so? Are you saying forgiveness had existed as long as love existed?

Do not be deceived by any mortal, do not be misled by any teachings or philosophy? There is only one TRUTH, one JUSTICE and one LOVE. I am the only God, the creator of heaven and earth, so on this day, I will swear by my name and reveal to you the ultimate truth about Love and Forgiveness. I am God, I am LOVE and FORGIVENESS is my name. Have you not read in the scripture that God is love? Love is forgiveness, forgiveness is love. In the same manner you can say that matter is another face of energy, so also is forgiveness is another face of love. Before the foundation of time and space, before all things came into existence, love and forgiveness have existed, they are ONE thing of different realities. One gives birth to the other, when you love, it means you forgive, and when you forgive it means you love. You see, when I, the lord says to you that I love you, what do you think I am saying to you?

Oh, my goodness, does it mean, you are saying to me that you forgive me?

Exactly, how can I say I love if I cannot forgive? Love without forgiveness is an illusion, it doesn’t exist. If you say you cannot forgive one, you cannot say you love others. This is an illusion created by Satan, the father of all lies, the world is living in this illusion, unfortunately Christians are the most victims.  Love is a satisfaction; it is a pleasure that can only be derived from forgiveness. Have you also not read in the scripture when I said for, I so love the world, that I gave my only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life? What do you think I meant when I said so? Look, I could have said to you, for I so forgive the world, that I gave my only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. To me, it makes no difference because love is forgiveness and forgiveness is love, none exist without the other. So, let it be known to those of you who are being deceived by Satan, the father of all liars who says to you that even if forgiveness is possible, you still don’t have to love the one whom you forgive.

Lord, please, please, I think I need to interrupt you here, how can you say I still have to love the person and those who violated me?

Son of man let me remind you, I am the maker of all flesh, the giver of spirits in all that exist. I am the Father of all spirits as I have said to you in the book of Hebrew. I do not create for no purpose, in fact, many of you have asked me in your hearts, why are you here? What is your purpose? Why I have created you? And why did I create in the first place? I will forgive your folly, and I will give answers to your quests, so that you can know that I exalt my words than myself. For I God is love, but can love exist with only oneself without expressing it to others? No, do not be deceived that such exist! Behold, I and my father are one, said to you by Jesus. So, how can two become one if there is no love between them? And how can two become one if there is no forgiveness between them? This must have informed you that love is a relationship between two. Son of man, the purpose of your existence, the Ultimate reason you are here is that, I have created you so that you can have a relationship with me. The purpose of all existence is to have a relationship with me, so when I create or form things into existence, I also create relationships to sustain them. All that exist being it visible or invisible are from me, you are all part of me, and none can exist on its own. I have conceived you in my thought even long before I formed you, I have predestined before the dawn of time and space that you will all be reconciled back to me by Love and Forgiveness. I am the Lord, I created the sun, the moon, the stars, the galaxies and the universes which you have no understanding of their numbers. From the smallest quarks to the larger universes, I sustain them with my laws which give them order, safety and repeatability. Without love and forgiveness, laws cannot be eternal; they won’t stand the test of time because love alone cannot withstand the vastness of space. So therefore, son of man, when these laws became corrupt, I reconciled them back to me through forgiveness. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the maker of heaven and earth, the creator of all that is in existence and those not in existence, I alone, have known before the foundation of the earth, long before I formed man from the womb of my thought, that Adam would fall into sin in the garden of Eden.

Wow! Wow!! Here we go, you are about to open a Pandora box and I hope you would be able to defend yourself? Why did you create Adam when you knew he would fall into sin? Does it not appear you intentionally created us to fail?

Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. Where are you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Where were you when I formed the Light from the womb of my Thought? Son of man, say to me whence do Quarks come from? If you know, reveal to me who gave birth to Electrons or can you tell its way? Who measured them on the scale of righteousness? Did I seek your counsel when I bound three quarks together with my thought to form Neutrons? If you think you are like me in wisdom, where were you when I bound yet again three quarks to form Protons? Do you have the understanding when I pulled together Proton and Neutron with my thoughts to form the Nucleus? Can you remember, when I said to my Son, and Holy Spirit, let us bring together the Nucleus and Electrons to form an Atom? Do you know whence comes the forces that bound them? Who revealed to you whose wisdom are the three Quarks in Neutrons? Again, who revealed to you whose knowledge are the three Quarks in Protons? Do you know why they come together as one? Did I seek your counsel when I created all the six quarks known to you and placed in them a tiny fraction of my Trinity? When Jesus said to you; I and my Father are One, did you not say who is this equalling himself with Me? Why are you saying things you have no understanding of? Why are you so arrogant in your soul to question my judgement? Why would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?

Lord, I said, I am unworthy—how can I reply you?  I put my hand over my mouth. I spoke once, but I have no answer- twice, but I will say no more.

Will the one who contends with Me correct Me?  Let him who accuses Me answer Me! Before the foundation of the earth, I AM. Before Abraham, I AM. I walked through the garden of Eden long before I formed Adam. Some of you even said, how can it be so? Did I not form Adam from the soil in Eden? And when I walked among you over 2,000 years ago, did I not do the same? Let me remind you, if your memory has faded away, did you not read from the scriptures, that I the Lord, the maker of all flesh spat on the ground, made some mud with my saliva and formed eyeballs for a man who was born without eyes? Do you think I healed him of his blindness by miracles or I created him new eyeballs from the soil since he was born without any? Surely, do you know? Did you consult wisdom when you contend with Me? When I said to you that I knew beforehand that Adam would fall into sin, did you seek my counsel before you discredit my justice?  

I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely, I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.

Son of man, I will show you my mercy and have compassion upon you. I will visit you in my wisdom and reveal to you what has been kept secret from the foundation of the world. Do you think I created man to fall into sin? No! This is not so! Behold, all things came into existence through my ultimate Love upon my Thoughts. Without love, I cannot create, and without love I cannot form things into existence. Let this be known to you that love is not the sustenance of existence, but forgiveness is. From my love, I formed all creations and from which I sustain them with forgiveness. Behold, if I had chosen another way to bring into existence creations without love, redemption would have been impossible. I so much love you, that is why I created you even though I knew you would fall into sin. There is no better alternative to the path I have chosen to create you, for I know the thoughts that I think towards you, I said, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Son of man, your expected end is to be redeemed and be reconciled to me. You see, Love without forgiveness is impure, it doesn’t exist in my reality, it is everything that detest me.

Lord, I don’t mean to disrespect you once again. You said, Love without forgiveness is impure and detest you, if I may ask, why didn’t you forgive Adam and Eve when they sinned against you?

OK. Before we go too far on this, let me start by asking you, what is love?

Is love not emotion or feeling you express towards someone who cares for you and protect your interest?

No! No! This is one of Satan’s illusions. This is not love, I said it to you and made it clear to the Pharisees and Sadducee what love is not and what it cannot be. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. Son of man, these are not what love is. You see, when I created you, I made you in the perfect image of myself. As you must have read it in the scripture that GOD is love, and if I have created you in my image, that means you are gods also, and if you are gods, you are also love as I AM. I have formed you in my image, if I am Love, you are love too; he who has seen me has seen the Father, Jesus said, have you not read that too?

So, before I answer the question you asked, about why didn’t I forgive Adam and Eve when they sinned against me, I think it is a good idea I quickly reveal to you the image of my LOVE. Love is a future manifestation, it is a covenant, it is an anticipation that in the future, I am aware that you will always sin against ME, but I will always forgive you to reconcile you back to ME. Love is in the future, and not in the present, whereas forgiveness is in the present, and not in the future. If you say to someone that you love them, you simply have said that you have forgiven them all the sins they are yet to commit against you. I’m the one who forgives your sins long before you commit them. This is me, this is exactly who I AM. This is what I want you to become, when I said in the scripture watch yourselves. If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. Even if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times he returns to say, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him. More so, I told Peter when he asked, how many times must he forgive his offender, did I not say to him that it is not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Let me assume you are confused with the numbers, what I am saying to you is that you must forgive 490 times in a day! The forgiveness Jesus revealed to you is the original image I made you in, it is endless, boundless and limitless. I want you to be perfect as I AM. Perfection is the highest level of Consciousness you must achieve before you can be reconciled to me. However, you will ask me; how can we be perfect as I AM? How can we reach this highest level of Consciousness? Surely, I say unto you, there is only one way to reach the highest level of consciousness, it is through love and forgiveness. These two are inseparable in my sight, unforgiveness ties your soul to the corruption of the earth and deliver your body to torment, but when you forgive; your soul is lifted to a place of perfect peace where it is united with MINE in the perfection of my image. Can you see now what Love is? Love is forgiveness in advance.

Oh my God, we have lost it! Is that why Peter screamed, Lord help our faith?

Now, let me get back to your question. I remember you said I didn’t forgive Adam and Eve when they sinned against me. Oh! Let me keep the record straight, I didn’t only forgive them, I also had their redemption planned out before I formed them in the garden of Eden. The evidences are all in the scripture for anyone who cares to study and show themselves approved. Contrary to what many of you were taught or made to believe about immortality, look I didn’t create Adam and Eve to be immortal in the first place. So, humans are not subjected to death because they sinned against me, they were subjected to death because Adam and Eve never had the chance to eat the Tree of Life I freely gave to them. I said to Adam, of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, the tree of life inclusive except the tree of good and evil. How would anyone think Adam would require the Tree of Life if I had originally created him immortal? The simple answer is, Adam was not immortal in the first place. I didn’t create him so, look, immortality has been a choice only for mortal creations from the foundation of the world which Adam and Eve didn’t choose. I know many of you are still unhappy with Adam and Eve for failing to choose immortality when it was freely offered to them. Now that the table is turned what will you say about yourselves, you hypocrites! Are you not refusing the same gift of immortality freely offered to you through my Son? Did I not say to you in the scripture that, I am the living bread that came down from heaven and whoever eats this bread shall live forever?

Oh my God! Before you continue, can I ask a question?

Of course yes, go ahead.

Is there any reason, you chose not to create Adam and Eve immortal?

You see, that is a reasonable question to ask. Has anyone revealed to you that immortality is irredeemable? What is immortal cannot be redeemed. Surely, I am saying to you that you cannot redeem what cannot die, and redemption can only come through death. If I had created Adam and Eve immortal and they eat the forbidden tree which I had commanded them not to eat, they would have remained corrupt in their sinful nature for the rest of eternity and human redemption would have been absolutely impossible. You may ask me, how is this so? Immortality is irreversible, and what is irreversible cannot be saved. Let me play the scenario that would have happened if I had created Adam and Eve immortal before they sinned in the garden of Eden. If this is the case, I could not have said to them that they will die in the day they eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil because they were already immortal. So, it is not their sins that cause them to die, it is because I did not create them immortal. Therefore, an immortal version of Adam and Eve before the falls could only become immortally corrupt humans after they sinned, and what will happen is that immortal Adam and Eve will only reproduce immortal human race, and through the immortal human race Jesus would have appeared on the scene. Now let us look at it this way, if Jesus was born through an immortal version of humans, that will make him a completely immortal man. However, the presence of immortal Jesus on earth would have ended up in two possibilities. The first possibility is that the immortal Jesus will not die on the cross and human salvation would never be possible. The second possibility is that an immortal Jesus would have remained on earth forever since he would be trapped in his body. So, can you begin to understand that I had thought of forgiveness before I created Adam and Eve. It is in my wisdom that I made them mortal to make human redemption possible.

Oh my goodness! Why have we not seen this for ages? Honestly, all these years the only thing we can think about is that you created Adam and Eve to fall. It is very clear that we are wrong. But I still have one more question to ask; why is salvation or redemption not possible for immortal beings?

Remember, I said redemption is not possible without death. How so you asked. With immortality, the body, the soul and the spirit are eternally unified in such a way that they remain inseparable for ever. However, for mortal beings and other earthly creations the body, the soul and the spirit are not eternally unified in the same manner as it is for the immortal creations. Therefore, they can be separated into individual entities by death. It is this separation that makes redemption possible for mortal creations. You must understand that death is a separation process that is very instrumental to human redemption. During the fall of Adam and Eve, it is the soul of man that becomes corrupt in the process. It is their soul that sinned against me and I made it clear to you in the scripture that the soul that sinned shall die. I also said, what shall it profit a man to gain the whole and loses his soul? Have you not read that also?

When I said to you from the scripture that; for I know the thoughts that I think towards you, they are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. My thoughts for you before I created Adam and Eve was to make them as mortal beings in order to give the entire human race the hope of redemption and salvation. Death is not as evil as many of you would think, instead, it is an end to the Adamic nature in man. Death is a window that opens from mortality and delivers the soul to immortality. So, without death, the soul which is the component that becomes corrupt when man sinned cannot be separated from the body and the spirit. Son of man; do not be deceived, only the soul of man requires redemption, the body is perishable, the spirit is eternal, they both are not partakers of your sins; hence they need no redemption! Interestingly, a soul that is separated from the body and the spirit cannot exist on its own. When this happens, the soul loses its ability to project consciousness, and at zero consciousness the soul is deemed dead. As you can see, death is the end of life for all Adamic creations.

Death is a window placed at the boundary of mortality and only opens itself outward into immortality for a new creation through redemption or damnation but this time not an Adamic creation. Ironically, death which marks the end of life for all mortal creations also marks the beginning of life for the immortal existence. But when the soul emerges into the realm immortality through the window of death, it cannot on its own project consciousness until life is given to it. Son of man, for Adamic creation, I formed the body man from the dust of ground and breathe into him the Breath of Life. I know, many of you are perplexed, you can’t even figure your heads around it that I could have made man from the dust. I haven’t said otherwise in the scripture, I made Adam from the dust!

Lord, if I may join this confused group of people, is it true that you made Adam from the dust? How did you make Adam? Did you like mould him as a sculptor would make objects from the clay and breathe life into it?

To be continued in part two.

Olayinka Olalekan

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