Friday, March 20, 2020

Words of God, sons of God, And Now Thoughts of God

In all this, as usual, God was nowhere to be found. Where is he? Why can’t I find him as I seek answers to many questions I have asked for years. God, is there any reason you chose to remain remote? Is there any reason you chose to remain invisible? More than ever before, I remain determined to have him speak to me. But how could I have him speak to me if I can't see him? This is a challenge I have to face, so I became more dramatic and resolved to challenge God using His own words to have him to speak to me about existence and every question my wisdom will allow me to ask about him.

Do you really want to get answers to your questions or are you just ranting like in the past?

My mind quickly blinked, and I hurriedly replied, yes, of course, and said, God, is that you?

Why are you doubting if it is me? Haven’t I said, seek you shall find? Have I not said, knock and it shall be opened to you? Why are you still doubting if it is me?

I am just confused if you really speak to anyone, and, want to be sure if it is not my feeling.

Do you think you can have a feeling about me if I have not put my thought in you? Do you think your mind can want to seek me if I am not already speaking to you?

Intrigued, I asked God, do you speak to everyone?

Yes, I speak to everyone. When I said, seek you shall find, I am not saying this to a group of people, or a race, but to whosoever shall seek, shall find. This is my law, I do not break them.

How do you speak and how can one be sure, you are the one speaking?

First, let us exchange the word speak with the word reveal. The word speak has been universally abused that I speak to humans. I do not speak physically to people as many claimed, it is a lie if anyone claimed I speak to them. But instead, I reveal myself to people and chose to communicate through thoughts not by speaking. When I created Adam, I brought to him every animal and bird to see what he would call them, and whatever Adam called each living creature was its name. What I did here was to reveal the names of all the animals to him through thoughts and not by speaking to him. Have you not also read in the scripture what I said to Peter about his confession of Jesus being the Christ, the Son of the living God, if you have no memory of it I will remind you, and I said to Peter, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but my father in heaven. Simply, I revealed to Peter the thought of who Jesus is, and he chose to make the confession, even though he had the choice to keep quiet. I did not speak to Peter.

I do not only communicate through thoughts, but I also communicate through my physical creations. For instance, I revealed to Abraham my future promise to him that his children shall be countless like the stars of heavens. Do you think I spoke to him physically? Absolutely not! Anyone who said I speak to them physically or claim to hear my voice is not only wrong but also telling a blatant lie.

Why do you not speak physically to people?

I am the Great one, I have always been before time and space came in being, before the Great beginning I have always existed. I alone dwelling in my Glory and Majesty. I do not need to speak to anyone because nothing was in existence except me. Yet, I communicate with myself through my thoughts. In fact, Thought is my greatest communication tool, it is pure and incorrupt when it comes from a great Mind.

Since I am not created, I do not need to speak to a creator. What is created can speak because it was created to speak with other creations, but what is not created does not speak. A creator chooses the way to communicate with his creations. For me, I chose to communicate with my creations through thoughts, creations cannot decide which way I communicate with them. Is it not the same way computer programmers chose to communicate with computers through software with various computer languages such as Basic, C, C++, COBO, Fortran, Ada, PASCA to mention a few? Does a computer choose the language for its creator?

But have you ever spoken to anyone physically?

No! like I said, I communicate through thoughts. Have you not read in the Book of Thomas that I have no form? Whatever is created has a form. If I truly I speak, does it not mean I have a mouth? Does it not mean I have a head? Does it not mean I have a lung and vocal cord? Does it not mean I have a body? All of these, I do not have because I have no form, in fact, man has no words to describe how I look, and what form I take. To think I have a form or for anyone to assume I have a physical representation or image detests me. If I do have any of such things, something or someone must have formed me into the shape. Whatever that has a shape or form changes, I am unchangeable, whatever has a shape or form is created, I am not created. Have I not said in the scriptures that you shall not make any image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath? If I have a form or I can be represented by images, would I forbid you from cherishing my image? More so, if I am in heaven and I have a form, would I also have forbidden you from carving my image on earth to represent me for you to worship and exalt it for my glory?

Then, why does the scripture say you created man in your image?

Does the scripture say I look like you?

Certainly yes, you can’t deny you are not aware that you created us to look exactly like you when you said let us create man in our own image.

This is untrue, in fact, your assumption comes no closer to the truth. I have no form, so I cannot look like you. It is very unreasonable for anyone to misrepresent me when I said, let us create man in our own image to mean you were created in my physical likeness. Even though many Christians, including pastors and theologians, have in many ways attempted to defend me against evolutionists antagonists that I created you in my own in my own image. Let it be known to you that personally, I do understand your sentiments, however, the wishful thinking that you physically looked like me detest me very greatly. Do you read the scripture at all or was it interpreted for you? Otherwise, it surprises me that anyone would come to this ridiculous assumption that I created Adam in my physical image. What is great about me, if I am as tall as Adam? Do you think Adam saw me at some point in Eden? No! Adam never saw me, it should be very clear to you from the scripture when I said that I led every animals and bird to Adam to see what names he would call them. To all creations, I endowed the ability to receive my thoughts, so it is not only human who can receive my thoughts. It is through my thought that I led the animals to Adam to name them, and on his part, Adam was able to name them accordingly as I have revealed what each would be called to him through my thoughts. If I am physically representable, would Jesus have said no one has ever seen God? Simply, this affirmation of Jesus points to the same fact that Adam did not see me in the Garden of Eden.

Oh! Does it mean we have misrepresented you in the scripture?

Yes, the scripture has been misrepresented from the very first chapter of Genesis, so do contradictions continue to surface over and over because of poor representation. Do you study the scripture to show yourself approve? It is obvious that you have not. Let me invite you to a new understanding of what I meant when I said let us create man in our own image. If I had in fact created man in my image before he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, would I not have contradicted myself when l also said the man has become like one of us after eating of the tree?

Of course, that is a clear contradiction!

Therefore, why would the tree of knowledge of good and evil make the man make become like of one us If I had already made him in my image?

Absolutely, it got me thinking we may have been misinformed, and if that is so as it is now very clear, could you explain what you meant by your image?

Thank you for asking the question many have neglected to ask me. Let me begin by reminding you once again what I have said many times in the scriptures that you are gods. David, whom I referred as the man after my heart was the first to ask me about what image of me I have made Adam, and through my thoughts, I revealed to him that you are all gods, sons of the Most-High. Even, thousands of years after I made the revelation, none of you still believe what you heard from David that you are all gods. Have I not said the same when I physically walked the earth two thousand years ago that you are all gods? 

If I may ask, did you speak to David that we are gods?

No, I didn’t speak to David. In fact, I did not communicate to him through any medium.

How can we be certain that we are gods as claimed by David?

Let me once again remind you that I also quoted David that you are gods, so this must suggest to you that he is a reliable source. However, it saddens me that you have perverted the scripture so much that it leaves you very confused, hence you doubt it. David is a man after my own very heart, why would anyone doubt him? What do you understand when I said he is after my heart?

I was about to ask the same question that how could David be considered a man after God’s heart?

It is very interesting to know that many people have attempted to explain this part of the scripture, but no one comes close to the truth. Some scholars even posit that attributes (such as reverent, trusting, respectful, etc) made him earn the exalted description by me. However, there are several people in the bible that possessed similar or even better attribute yet I did not call them men after my heart! You must also remember that David was an adulterer and a murderer.

I almost want to say that too, still, you called him a man after your heart. Does it not indicate you like some people more than others?

Preference for David? No, I am an impartial God and I could not have liked David more than others. Let me make it very clear to you that I could not have liked one adulterer more than other adulterers, and I could not have liked a murderer like David more than any other serial killer, or Hitler or those who participated in the murderous slave trade of the African people. However, David is a unique individual whose no one has studied his life or reflected on his writings and songs. When I said David was a man after my heart, I am not indicating to you how much I liked or loved him more than others, neither am I saying to what extent he worshipped or sang praises to glorify me than others. In fact, what I meant when I said that David is a man after my heart, is that no one born into this world has shared my Thought the way David does.

David shared your thoughts, what do you mean?

I have revealed to you how I communicate to my creations through thought and mediums, however, David is completely different; he would come into my mind and take out my thoughts.

I need more explanation if you can.

Of course, I agreed to have this conversation with you in other to explain these misconceptions and misrepresentations of me. As you already know that I am the Great one, I have a great MIND and from it are my Thoughts. I reveal from my thoughts, the secrets about the past, the present and the future to those who will diligently search through my wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Often, I do reveal such thoughts through mediums, however, David a man after my heart can get into my mind, take out my thoughts and reveal them through his songs and writings.
How can that be? Can anyone get into your mind?

If you meditate on me well enough through my words and wonders of my creations, it is possible for you to align your mind with mine and if you do, you can possibly tap into my thoughts. This was David’s routine of getting into my thoughts. For instance, when David said Blessed is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, it was a thought he took from my mind. In another place, David wrote that he who dwells in my secret place shall hide under my shadow. Who revealed to him that I have a secret place, David must have in fact taken from me the thought of one event that took place between me and Moses. Let us look at what he said that I shall give my angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. Also, that my angels shall bear you up in their hands, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone. You must remember that this was the same scripture that Satan quoted when he tempted Jesus, who could have known with such clarity as David had written it 3,000 years before it was said by Satan? If I have not revealed it or drop the thought into someone, then it must be David who is always after my thoughts by getting into my mind. It should also interest you to know that David wrote on how they (disciples) cry to the Lord (Me) in their trouble and I bring them out of their distresses. I make the storm calm so that the waves thereof are still. It is not a coincidence that Jesus would calm the sea and, speak to the storm. If you read the narration as documented by Mark in the scripture, you will understand the degree of clarity and accuracy in David’s writings as he was able to capture the scenarios that would later play out 3,000 years as if he was there. Contrary to what many of you think about me, I am not selfish, I am not mysterious as you are made to believe, I am very open, my heart is an opened book for anyone to explore. From my heart comes my thoughts, all that I am, all that will be, and all that will become comes from the heart which you can only have a knowledge of through my thoughts. So, for David, he was always there in my heart, he was very patient, he would wait for my heart to issue out thoughts.

This is a new understanding, why do you make your heart an open book? More so, are all the thoughts from you are what you want to make to happen?

I made my heart an opened book for two reasons. Firstly, so that all my creations can have direct access to me. I have not made any individual to have greater access to me than others. However, what you see around, is an opposite scenario created by some of you who now claim that they have greater access to me than others. Two thousand years ago, I made you see the reason why this is not so, I tore the temple veil to present to you a new revelation that none has superior access to me than others. If you acknowledge the fact that I have made you all gods, you will understand that no one individual is superior to others. Yet, a whole lot of people have been shut out of my heart by fraudulent individuals who have re-instituted the position of Pharisees I dismantled when I walked the earth. By so doing, these con artists have repackaged themselves into what they want me to look like and presented this false representation of me to you, hence you detest me.

The second reason my heart is an opened book for all is that you are all inside me; inside my heart. All of you are my thoughts, so to speak because I made you all out of them. My thoughts reside in my heart, every one of you resides in me, in my heart. All that exists or had existed, none that exists or those that will exist are my thoughts. If you are my thoughts and you reside in me, it means you are part of me by extension. I pointed it out to Prophet Jeremiah that before I formed him, I knew him, before he was born I set him apart and appointed him as a prophet to nations. How could I know Jeremiah I haven’t formed? From my heart, he, Jeremiah was my thought, I know my thoughts, the thoughts I the Lord have for every one of you is of peace, not evil, to give you future and hope. It is my thought that I formed into Jeremiah in his mother’s womb, it is also my thought I formed into Jesus in Mary’s womb. Therefore, by extension you are part of me, you are gods. Now, that I have revealed to you how all that exit is conceived in my thoughts, you should begin to see yourself not only as my thoughts but also as my words and my sons. Even though some of you frown at the idea that I could have a son, or that I can also be a father.

Words of God, sons of God, and now thoughts of God, how on earth could we have missed this?

This is the original truth from the beginning. You were my thoughts before you became my words, and you were my words before you became my sons. Your species are not the only type of sons I have, the archangels, angels and other beings that are never known to you are all my sons since you are all begotten from my thoughts. Have you not read in the scripture that when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw them as very attractive and beautiful, they lust after them, they intermarried and interbreed? The book of Job also recorded the gathering of the sons of God. Noting that these two events and other accounts elsewhere in the scriptures clearly indicate that angels are sons of God, even long before Jesus brought you the same revelation that you are also sons of God. This revelation is not new, but because you could not remember that you came from my thoughts, you lost your identity in the process, I am your father, I conceived you from the womb of my thoughts. Do not call anyone on earth your father I said in the scripture; for you have only one father. Instead, you created for yourselves an image which I have forbade you, the images which you called your father in the Lord is an abomination to me; there is no man who is your father in me, I am your father. There is no man you should call Daddy General Overseer (Daddy G. O) or mummy G. O, an abomination which reigns among the enslaved in Africa.  Look at Jesus at the start of his ministry he took it upon himself to remind you of your father in heaven in his prayer, and in the middle of it, he revealed to you that you are gods, that you are parts of him by extension which you no longer remember yet, he wants you to be reabsorbed to him and to be re-membered into his body once again. In fact, he went on to say to you that he (Jesus) is the vine and you are the branches and that if you will remain, reabsorbed or become re-member in him, you will produce many fruits.

I have two issues I will like you to clarify. The first is from what you said that we are products of your thoughts how are we then made in your image? Secondly, if Jesus said that he is the vine and we are the branches then, it seems to me Jesus is the ultimate, if not, what are you? And how do you as God comes into the scheme of things?

OK. I will examine your questions one by one. Firstly, let me clarify that the image I have made you is completely different from humanly figure you were made to believe. In fact, because you can stand upright doesn’t mean you look like me, it is very ridiculous for anyone to think so. I am God, I have created you as my extended parts with my divine ability in you to be able to create from your thoughts. I create all things from my thoughts, each individual creation is an individual thought. Every thought is unique so does every creation that came from it. You are as powerful as your thoughts, and you are as creative as your thoughts. All creations are initiated by thoughts, all that you see in the universe and all that exists came from my thoughts, I conceived them first in my thoughts before they manifest into space and time. The thought is another reality, a reality that is not known to many, it is not bounded by space and time. Its dimension is completely different from what you know, Thought is divine and eternal. I am the Ultimate Creator, If I have formed you in my image, does that not inform you that you are co-creators too? This is the image of myself in you, this is what I meant when I said, let us create man in our image, an image of a co-creator. Jesus said to his disciples, anyone who has seen me has seen the father. As you already know that I have no physical representation, So, Jesus would not have meant I look like him in physical appearance, of course not. And if so, it means Jesus must be referring to an image that is completely different from a physical representation. What could that image be? Even though I have no physical representation that is known to you, I have invisible representations, I am the ultimate TRUTH, LOVE, and JUSTICE. Therefore, it is not out of place for Jesus to have described himself as the TRUTH, to have redeemed you through LOVE and demonstrated my JUSTICE in the scripture. To Jesus, TRUTH, LOVE, and JUSTICE are my physical representations or image these are visible to him and he sees them as a person of me and as himself. Truth is the knowledge and understanding of the beginning, so the Truth is from the beginning and it is only known to the person who was at the beginning. Jesus said in the book of revelation, he is the Alpha, he is the beginning, he is the truth. With my love, I thought of all existence and non-existence and I created them. It is love that creates and the power and the strength to create both the physical world and the invisible world of emotions are being ruled by love. Jesus has shown you what my love is, he died to redeem and make you a new physical creation and create you a new invisible world of emotions that is full of love. You cannot see me and, you will never see me, because to you love is an emotion, that is what you are taught and made to believe, you thought love is a process, you thought you can choose to love, to you love is a choice. Hell no! Love is not an emotion, neither a process, I am not your emotion and can’t be, love is an entity, he is a being, I am the Love.

Olayinka Olalekan

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