Saturday, December 18, 2021

Heaven Road, Deserted! (Part One)

Heaven Road, Deserted! (Part One)

Not many are on their way to heaven, among them is the wicked who is far deceived he is on the road, he throws caution to the wind, he lavishes in his sins, yet he is damn righteous in the delusion of grace! How could it be, that wolves, foxes, and ravenous snakes now boast of their ways to heaven? How could it be that liars find it so easy to jump ahead on this journey? Why are swindlers on the pulpits leading goats to the place promised only to the righteous? Is it not strange that those who love the world yet hate God and his words are also on this road? Can someone tell us how demons made their way this far on this way? How come the road to heaven has turned to the den of thieves? How filthy this once adored way has become? Who promised those who practiced immorality are safe on this road? Who assured rogues they were invited? Who allowed the greedy to come on board with his fleshly desires? How come gospel perverts are full on this journey? Who convinces masturbators have been given a pass? Who assured prostitutes and those who patronize them that they have nothing to fear? Do you wonder why everyone on this road detests God’s commandments? Do you notice that those who harboured pride in their hearts are also on this way? Oh heaven! if the way to you is this sin personified, how chaotic you will become if those who are on your way arrive en masse! The unthinkable will happen, the righteous will flee the place they were once promised, the wicked in their rage will trample upon the meek, the plight of the saints will greatly multiply in paradise, and the angels whose dwelling is the place of holiness will hurriedly desert the abomination that has come upon them. Heaven will become a sorry place to be when those who are predestined for hell suddenly become its new occupants, the wolves, the foxes, and the lions amongst them shall violently descend upon the redeemed of the Lord! The eternal tranquillity of heaven will be forever shattered, Satan will unleash his final assault in heaven, his gang of thieves will be led by Barabbas, they will ransack paradise of its treasures, every road in heaven will be stripped of its precious jaspers, sapphire, agate, and emerald. The greedy among these ravenous beasts will have a field day, they will uproot the tree of life and swallow it, they will drink dry the water of life and to say the least, the bread of life will not last a day! Jezebel will lead the most abominable acts, her weapons are confusion and deceits, she will populate everyplace in heaven with prostitutes, she will overthrow all the laws of righteousness and holiness, she will turn all natural laws of God on its head, men will commit shameless acts with men, women will exchange natural intercourse for unnatural (Romans 1:26-27), and women will rule over men in this detestable heaven!

Could heaven be taken over by repugnance? God forbid! Heaven is not for everyone, it was never meant to be so from the beginning and never it will. Let the sinners be warned, and let the wicked be reminded that heaven is a fortified place, therefore, it is a mission impossible for those who hate God and his commands to set their foot on the way that leads to the dwelling place of the God of the Bible. No sinners can navigate the high way to heaven, Isaiah said, a highway shall be there and it shall be called the Holy Way; the unclean shall not travel on it, but it shall be for God’s people, no traveller, not even fools shall go astray! This highway is the only common and only way to heaven, it is heavily secured, it is fortified but not with gates made of steel, the highway to heaven is not even guarded by angels yet no unclean shall enter it (Isaiah 35:8)! This highway is called the way of holiness, the way of holiness tells about the holiness of the people who can walk on this way. The way of holiness is one way that leads to only one place, heaven. It is only God who walks through the way of holiness, because He is Holy, so no man can walk on this way. For anyone to think they can set their foot on the way of Holiness to heaven, is for one to assume he can match God in Holiness! No one can walk on the highway of holiness, not even the redemption offered to us by Christ can put us in the Holy way that only God walks. The scripture made it clear, no lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast shall come upon it; they shall not be found there! (Isaiah 35:9). You see, no wicked shall find its way to the highway of holiness not by any chance! The Holiness of God is a terror to man, God’s holiness is not friendly to a sinful man contrary to the faulty beliefs of many Christians. The Holiness of God never saves anyone but rather destroys. God’s holiness spontaneously sets anything unclean on fire! The scripture says it very clear that the God of the Bible is a consuming fire (Hebrew 12:29). It is God’s Holiness that sets everything on fire, no unclean can survive its path, no sin or sinner can double-cross Him. When God forewarned Moses to take off his sandals, for the place where he was standing was a holy ground (Exodus 3:5), it was because of the destructive power of His Holiness. Had Moses disobeyed His command and come near the place God set his foot upon, His Holiness would instantly set Moses ablaze in its fury! No one has ever seen God Jesus said (John 1:18). Why is this so? God said, you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live (Exodus 33:20). It is the Holiness of God that destroys anyone that comes close to Him, nothing can resist both sinners and righteous from being consumed by the fire emanating from God when they are challenged by His Holiness! God’s nature of Holiness is divinely perfect and nothing compares to it or can measure up to it. Who can protect anyone against the destructive power of the Holiness of God? What can stand its way when His Holiness burns with furry? The highway of holiness upon which only God walks is itself holy as God, it is consuming as God himself, so it is for this reason that nothing unclean shall walk upon it. God said I will send my messenger who will prepare the way before me (Malachi 3:1). The way mentioned by the scripture here is the same highway of holiness described by Isaiah, because it is the way upon which God will walk, and when He does who can endure the day of his coming or who can stand when he appears? The scripture says for he is like a refiner’s fire!

Olayinka Olalekan

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