Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Satan On The Pulpit!

Never in the history of humanity have we been so enveloped in delusion, both young and old, it is as if we are being fast-track to the pinnacle of foolishness! Something is pushing the human race to destruction, as one that stands or walks in slippery places so much that he is exposed to fall by the weight of his own ignorance. We care less about the impending danger ahead in our history, like those of the times of Noah’s, they merry and danced around as if the world was a big clubhouse, when they least expected the flood arrived in its furry and swept them away into perdition! In our heart of pride, so we say, we could not have been destroyed like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, we have become gods now, we are co-creators like Elohim, we can call things into existence and they shall become! Haven’t we? Yes, we have! God has evolved into a kinder being, he is no longer angry with us, someone must have appealed to him and made him understand that we are better than the people of the time of Noah, perhaps, he must have realized we are so beloved than the people of Sodom and Gomorrah! We have so much evolved into a higher being through our consciousness, therefore, we must be involved in every decision to be made by God, after all, we are a partner in the big universe! Our credentials stand tall, far above our predecessors, because when God realized how important we are in the universe, something that he must have forgotten when he unleashed terror on the people of the ancient past! One of us even said God is the biggest failure, he is no other person than Kenneth Copeland, he said it to His face in the meeting of the Godheads, as one of our earthly representatives. How could he not have been the greatest failure Copeland queried? He lost a third of the angels at least, His top-ranking most anointed angel, he lost the first man he ever created, Adam and he lost the first woman, Eve in the garden Eden, and so sad for him, He lost third of the angels! He said we didn’t know it because God didn’t say it! How do we have this charlatan as our representative to the meeting of the Godhead? No one is to blame, Christianity brought him, the wolf must have sneaked in through the bark of a fraudulent grace! Copeland, Rick Warren, Bill Johnson alongside others, formed an evil counsel against God and His son and imposed upon us an image of a Christ which our forebearers never knew. These gospel haters have perverted the scriptures far beyond Satan’s original goal, issuing from their mouths is a vault that spews deceits day and night, as though they have dwarfed Satan in his skills. Over the years, they have thrown caution to the wind, these narcissists see what we don’t see, they hear what every one of us cannot hear, they boast God speak to them face to face in the form that was not known to Moses and Elijah! Another one even claimed God sought his opinion on saving the soul of another, these ungodly gods will choke humanity with subterfuge, let me remind these ecclesiastical shenanigans that there is no want of power in God to cast them into hell at any moment!

When we think we have heard the worst from them, suddenly they will throw to the unsuspecting victims another lie from the pit of hell, they emboldened sinners to sit comfortably on the Ark of Covenant! These fellows can say the unthinkable, they can do the undoable, they pick doctrines from here and there. They pick from Hinduism, they take from Buddhism, they borrow from Muslims, they take from the New Age, they are there in New Apostolic Reformation, you will find them in universalism, they pitch tents with everyone, and when you confront them with the evidence of their idolatry, they are quick to remind you that God is love and Jesus loves everyone! But hell no! I will say it to your face, fear him, the God of the Bible, his name YAHWEH! The mention of His name brings terror to the minds of the ancients gods, His voice is like the sound of raging thunders, and when He burns with anger the earth will melt beneath the feet of sinners. There is no way to escape for the sinners, the bed upon which one sleeps, there is no want of power in God to make the ground open and cast him to the hell beneath him. It is too easy for God to collapse the buildings upon His enemies, and those who formed evil counsel against His son! When it pleases YAHWEH, he could turn what pleasures the wicked to snare him when he least expected, and when God allows him to escape for a moment, even if he tries to run away on a private jet, the power of God is not limited to cast the wicked out of the sky and bring him down to hell! And for those who ridicule the crucifixion of Christ and those that merchandise his suffering, the smoke from the His nostrils has the power to turn them to pillars of salts at any moment. Fear God, you reader of this article on a mobile device, it is not impossible for God to cause fire out of the phone to consume the face of a sinner. The arrogance of sinners is too weighty not to drag him to hell, and let me remind you, hell is not in a hurry, it is waiting for you it has all the patience, in fact, eternity is on its side! Unknown to those who rebel against God, through His sovereign power he had made them build around themselves traps that will bring them to hell with minimum effort from him, His breath has sufficient power to detonate all the nuclear warheads they thought would fortify them against their enemies. Little do sinners know that God is His greatest enemy of their souls, but Jesus Christ warned them, not to fear those who can kill the body but unable to kill the soul rather fear Him that can destroy both the body and the soul in hell!

God had no history of being kind to the sinners irrespective of age and gender, the scripture made it clear that there is no hope that He is changing! You see, any preacher who fails to teach the true God of the Bible as a consuming Fire, is a prophet of Bal, upon his lips the spirit of deceits made its abode and in his belly, the kingdom of darkness resides! If I lie Elijah is my witness, Bal couldn’t produce fire when his prophets summoned him. Do not be deceived by their lying tongues that God loves you for who you are, and Jesus loves everyone! The sad truth is, God hates sinners as much as He hates sin, so he hates you for who you are, and his patience is running out, so he can’t wait any longer to cast you to hell! Left for Jesus alone, he is so much in hurry to cast humanity to hell, he is a great destroyer like his father, don’t take my word for it, read the scripture. For those who sit comfortably on falsehoods about a kinder Jesus and a loving God, you are damn wrong, Jesus in his own word said, I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already here! He is not limited in power to bring fire upon those who mocked his death and merchandise his sufferings for the satisfaction of their lust! Fear the terror of the Father and the Son while the Holy Spirit still restrains them, when the latter leaves, hell will let loose upon the earth! When this happens, divine justice cannot stand in its way, even mercy cannot make any objection against God using his power upon those who drink from the cup of his wrath! Human has no chance to appeal his judgment against an angry God because the only advocate for him is also the Son of the angry God. While sinners languish in pains and sorrows, God will turn his back upon them and cause eternal separation between them and the redeemed, when this happens the hope of redemption for sinners will be lost forever. Let me remind the sinners that every evil word they had spoken against God will be used to torment them, these words will turn to fire burning with fury, and God from His seat of judgment will send the wind of his anger to drive the fire into the throats of those who spoke evil against Him. Sadly for the wicked, every evil desire from his flesh will stand against him hell and mock him day and night, but he will return tantrums at his tormentors! His tormentors will be cruel to him, they will resist him from moving away from the epicenter of the heat and push him back into the lava of fire forming from his immorality and idolatry! While he struggles to get his balance from the fall, his tormentors will be quick to laden his back with his sins, dragging him swiftly into the abys as God will give weight to every sin committed by him, but his refusal to obey God’s commandments and serve his will be so heavy than the size of any rock known to man! It serves sinners good not to sweat in hell, but can they help it in the fury of heat that can melt diamond in a jiffy? The heat from the fire will melt the sulfur in hell the scriptures forewarned sinners about, when this happens the molten sulfur will catch fire and release extreme heat into the body its victim, the anger of God upon him will multiply his pain greatly, he will seek death but will find none! Oh! Sinners, the hell you so much wish away will suddenly come upon you like a plaque when you least expect. Repent and seek the truth about the God of the Bible and His son now, hell is closer to the sinners than you think, they are just a second away, but they are not there yet, not because God’s mercy is from everlasting to everlasting, but it is His sovereign will to keeps them for the moment when the cup of his wrath is full!

Olayinka Olalekan